A group of talented Prep School students and their teachers have embarked on an incredible journey to Philadelphia to showcase their skills in innovative learning at ISTELive 23, an annual conference organised by the International Society for Technology in Education.
Knox Grammar School
Head of Prep Mrs Sue Floro said Knox Prep last attended ISTE in 2019, describing the conference as “pivotal in our then-developing understanding of how we can deeply integrate the purposeful use of technology to learn deeply and create”.
“Four years later, we are literally pushing the boundaries of what is possible in a primary school environment and this year’s conference will give us the impetus to go to the next level.”
The following students were selected to present five groundbreaking concepts and represent Knox on an international stage:
Team Leader of Innovation and Technology Mr Ian Fairhurst, said: “From their extensive research to their creative problem-solving skills, these students have truly demonstrated the power of curiosity and dedication. They have worked tirelessly to develop solutions that can make a positive impact in our ever-changing world.”
“Our students are thrilled to be part of this incredible event and share their insights with an international audience.”
The boys were accompanied by Mrs Floro and Mr Fairhurst, as well as Innovation and Technology Integrator, Mr Blake Moon; Prep teachers Ms Luisa Felizzi (Y5), Mr Hayden Gregory (Y5), Mr Matthew Hawke (Y6), Ms Nicola Molloy (Y4), Ms Rebecca Pashley (Y4) and Ms Jade Tinberg (Y5).
Congratulations to all boys and teachers on this impressive achievement.
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