Ian Jackman attended Knox from 1972 to 1980. In his final year, Jackman was Dux of the School and held the roles of School Vice Captain, Cadet Under Officer and Angus House Captain. He participated in Rugby, Cricket, Debating, Swimming, Athletics, Drama and Oration.
Jackman completed a Bachelor of Arts (Hons I) at University of Sydney in 1984. He was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship and went to the University of Oxford where he completed a Bachelor of Arts (Jurisprudence) (Hons I) in 1987 and a Bachelor of Civil Law in 1988.
Jackman was admitted as a barrister in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1989 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2002. Jackman specialised in commercial and company law.
His published works include The Varieties of Restitution and submissions to the Cambridge Law Journal and Australian Law Journal.
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