In 1953, the name of School House was changed to MacNeil. It is named after the School’s first Headmaster Neil Harcourt MacNeil MC. He guided the School through its beginnings and the Depression, and set a strong tone and standards which are still followed today. Colour: black.
In 1953, the name of North House was changed to Reid. It is named after Andrew Reid, School Founder and benefactor. His philanthropy included the original Reid building, which contained a carpentry and metal workshop, art room, lecture theatre, armoury and storeroom. Colour: Yellow.
In 1953, the name of South House was changed to McIlrath. It is named after William McIlrath, one of the Founders, an original benefactor of the School and member of School Council. A bequest by his wife, in his name, was used to build the chapel. Colour: Dark Blue.
Established in 1947. It is named after Sir Robert Gillespie, one of the School’s Founders and benefactors. Sir Robert was the first School Council Chairman and his bequests include MacNeil House and the original Preparatory School classroom block. His extended family were also benefactors with a strong involvement in the School. Colour: Maroon.
Established in 1955, it is named after John Adamson, member of School Council. He devoted extensive time to the School. Colour: Dark Green.
Originally established in 1955 and then re-established in 1977. It is named after Reverend Dr Samuel Angus, a long-serving member of the School Council. Colour: Brown.
Established in 1955, it is named after Alex E Turnbull, a foundation member of the School Council. He was devoted to the interests of the School and entrusted with checking the accounts for submission to the Council for payment. Colour: Light Blue.
Established in 1970. It is named after Dr T Ross McKenzie, the fourth Headmaster of the School 1956-1969. He was part of a time of great consolidation and success for the School, particularly in academic and cultural achievements. Colour: Orange.
Established in 1970. It is named after Alan May Murdoch member of the School Council 1938-1970 and Chairman 1955-1970. He worked closely with Headmaster McKenzie to ensure the smooth running of the School. Colour: Red.
Established in 1977. It is named after J Ross Montgomery, a generous benefactor and member of the School Council 1953-1969. His generosity provided the Montgomery Building, Gilmore House, and numerous smaller benefactions including the bronze chapel doors. Colour: Lime Green.
Established in 1977. It is named after George M Sinclair, a member and Chairman of School Council. He provided strong leadership to the council during his tenure. Colour: Purple.
Established in 1977, it was named after Dr William Bryden, the second Headmaster of the School during the war years 1939-1953. Student numbers rose steadily during his time. Colour: Grey.
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