School Council

Knox Grammar School is a company limited by guarantee (School). Our School Council provides the governance for the School and Council members (Directors) are elected by the members of the School, which include members of the School Council and representatives from the Uniting Church in Australia.

In consultation with the Headmaster, the Knox Grammar School Council provides leadership and guidance in areas associated with the School’s Master Plan, Building Program, Financial Management, Risk Management and Strategic Vision.

The Directors who serve on the School Council are professionals within their chosen fields (for example, church, business, education, finance, infrastructure, law, media and technology). Some Directors have had a long association with the School either as parents and/or Old Boys.

Directors generously volunteer their time, knowledge and expertise to uphold the Vision of the School: To be an exemplary School, developing, within a caring Christian environment, students of Faith, Wisdom, Integrity, Compassion and Courage, with a sure knowledge of who they are and how they should live.


Chairman: Mr Simon Rothery, BEcon SFFin

Council members:

Dr Chris Basten BA(Hons), MPsychol, PhD

Mr Gordon Bell BBus, CA, GAICD, AMCT

Ms Tracey Cain GD Broadcast, LLB, MPA, CF, MAICD

Mr Matthew Dunn OAM, MCom

Ms Erin Glover (NSWSAB) Dip. Law

Rev Martin Levine BA, BTh(Hons), MEd, GAICD

Ms Jessica Martin BSc, HDip, MSc, CPA, GAICD

Ms Karen Negus BCom, MTeach, GAICD

Rev Ingrid Robertson BSc, BTh, MTh

Dr Andrew Wines MBBS, FRACS (Orth) FAOrthA, GAICD