Knox Prep Curriculum

A GLIMPSE OF Prep School Curriculum


The Knox Prep Curriculum focuses on the development of foundational literacy and numeracy competencies, whilst offering an innovative, future focused program of inquiry that encourages students to activate their voice and exercise agency, understand their responsibility to make a difference in the world.

We provide a personalised learning pathway for each student in Mathematics and English, based on regular assessment data that highlights their next steps in learning, focusing on what students are ready to learn, regardless of their year group.

Our Knoxigations inquiry units address the NESA Syllabus outcomes but go significantly beyond, with a focus on the development and application of global competencies and skills to solve complex problems. Our integrated programs honour the content of each subject discipline, whilst providing boys with the skills to understand how they each work together.

Knox Prep Knoxigations

Innovation, curriculum and learning at Knox Prep

We offer an innovative curriculum in accordance with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements including:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) - History and Geography
  • Science and Technology
  • Creative and Practical Arts - Music, Visual Arts and Drama
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
  • Library Studies
  • Wisdom Life and Faith
  • Languages - Japanese (K-6)