Chief People and Culture Officer

What's your role at Knox?

I'm the Chief People and Culture Officer. This role is a member of the School’s Senior Executive team and focuses on shaping the culture of the School, supporting its strategic objectives, and enhancing Knox’s standing in an educational and organisational context. The role leads the people and culture team in developing and implementing best practice strategies and approaches to enhance its ability to attract and retain high performing staff.

How long have you been with the School?

I commenced in Term 4, 2021 – so I’ve been with Knox for just over two years now.

What does a typical day look like for you?

There really is no typical day. When working with people there are always interesting, and sometimes very unique, matters that arise on a day-to-day basis. From supporting colleagues with coaching through to developing new programs such as the Succession Planning Program – every day is filled with variety, challenge and always an opportunity to support the Knox community.

What three things do you love most about working at Knox?

The Knox Community is a special one – everyone here cares for one another and we all believe in what we are ultimately working towards – which is the education and development of the young people who attend the School, supporting them to be their best selves. I also absolutely love walking into the Senior School and hearing the students practising the pipes – it is a beautiful start to the day!

What or who inspired you to pursue a career in education?

I commenced my time in education, 20 years ago, working for an amazing organisation that provided bridging opportunities for domestic and international students to attend university. I loved watching the students start their time at the college, eventually join the university then move on with a career. Having a small part in their journey was really rewarding.

What part of your role do you gain the most joy?

I love being part of a team that develops new and innovative ways to lead a school that has been operating for 100 years. The Headmaster’s reference to "innovation wrapped in tradition" rings true to everything we do at Knox. It is at the heart of our planning and decision making.

Why did you join Knox?

The Knox values drew me to the School in 2021 and they are one of the reasons I remain here. It has absolutely lived up to its expectations as all staff across the Knox community believe in the values and operate with them in mind every day.

What is the secret to good teaching and inspiring our young people?

Leading by example and demonstrating the School's values, kindness and integrity with everything we do. Helping them to be the best versions of themselves by bringing the best version of ourselves to School every day is so important.

What achievement are you most proud of from your time at Knox so far?

Rolling out the first All-Staff Survey for the School has been a great milestone. It has provided every employee with the opportunity to have their voice heard, and for the School to consider what changes and enhancements can be made as a result. This is not an easy process, nor a quick one. But the leadership is absolutely committed to listening to the community and working on changes that are sustainable and changes that will make a positive difference to both the staff and student experience.

What’s your leadership style and why have you found this to be successful?

I try to empower my team to own and grow their roles. I am here to guide, coach and support my colleagues to be successful, to feel a sense of ownership in their role and to have fun along the way. The only way I can be successful in my role is to hire amazing people who are great at what they do – and to let them do it.

What impact do you hope to leave on the students?

Whilst I don’t work directly with students, I hope to have a positive influence on the way we grow and develop our people, which in turn directly impacts the experience our students have every day. I want staff to leave Knox having had an incredibly positive experience, having had opportunities to learn, grow and lead. By helping our staff to be their best selves, they will in turn support students in the same way.

What is the biggest challenge facing the education sector at the moment? What would you like to see in the future or how do you intend to help fix the problem?

Right now it is attracting staff (teachers and support staff) in a really challenging recruitment environment. We will continue to focus on what is important to everyone in our community, and to come up with innovative opportunities to support them throughout every stage of their career with us.

Who are you outside of Knox?

I am a busy mum of Chloe, a beautiful and busy 4-year-old girl. So, weekends are about dancing classes, dress ups and finding that next awesome park to speed around on the scooter (Chloe not me). I spend time with my friends and catch up with family in Perth when I can.

Share one fun fact that people might not know about you.

I completed the Berlin Marathon – I may have walked across that finish line, but I crossed it!

What advice would you give to anyone joining Knox?

Give yourself time and space to truly understand the culture, traditions, and opportunities that Knox has to offer. Be kind to yourself and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions, it is such a big school and there are many things going on all of the time.