Head of Knox Middle Academy

What's your role at Knox?

I am the Head of the Middle Academy at Knox which comprises all students in Year 9 and Year 10. As such, I work with a team to ensure that each student in the Middle Academy is flourishing. This includes ensuring they feel like they belong in our school community and are able to flourish socially, emotionally and academically.

How long have you been with the School?

Ten years.

What does a typical day look like for you at Knox?

This is very difficult to say but largely it’ll involve teaching, meeting with staff, students and parents.

What three things do you love most about working at Knox?

The community at Knox, the students and my colleagues.

What or who inspired you to pursue a career in education?

I have always been really interested in making learning relevant and meaningful. From a young age, I really enjoyed teaching others concepts or ideas that they could not understand which led me to education.

What part of your role do you gain the most joy?

I really enjoy the time spent with my team collaborating and creating!

Why did you join Knox?

I joined Knox to grow and become the best teacher I could be. I knew that I would learn from the best and it has certainly lived up to my expectations.

What is one of your fondest memories from your time at Knox so far?

A moment that I will always remember is a student who struggled through school and wasn’t able to find his ‘tribe’. After a tough few terms, he found his home in the Track and Field team. Since then, he flourished and was able to positively contribute to the School. This culminated in him winning his race at the final CAS Track and Field in his Year 12 year in the pouring rain. A wonderful moment of celebration.

What’s your leadership style and why have you found this to be successful?

Servant leadership. Ensuring people feel empowered and supported to reach their full potential allows for a trusting and positive work environment.

What impact do you hope to leave on your students?

I hope students will recognise that doing the right thing, at all times, is something that I model and something I hope they will always remember.

What is the biggest challenge facing the education sector at the moment? What would you like to see in the future or how do you intend to help fix the problem?

At the moment, the educational landscape is shifting as we navigate through the skills and dispositions students will require for the future. Developing programs and curriculum that equip our students with these 21st century skills is an area of interest for the future.

Who are you outside of Knox?

I love watching and playing sport! I am a keen swimmer, tennis player and lover of AFL, rugby and cricket.

Share one fun fact that people might not know about you.

I hate roller coasters and turbulence!

What advice would you give to anyone joining Knox?

Take time to build relationships with both staff and students and always reach out for help from the community!