The Right Choice
We know that all parents want to provide the very best preparation for a successful life for their child.
To realise these goals you need a school that first and foremost, through its dedicated teachers, outstanding facilities and innovative programs, strives to achieve the best academic results possible for each and every student.
However, educational experiences must also take place beyond the classroom walls. At Knox your child will have the opportunity to develop their own special abilities and talents. They will have new experiences and be challenged, whether it is in musical, cultural or sporting activities, or in the outdoors and beyond.
We realise that while academic excellence must always come first, the students who are the most involved in the broader aspects of school life tend to also be the ones who succeed at the highest academic levels.
The choice of a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. We are happy to assist you in any way we can.
Please contact our Director of Enrolments, Mary Witherow, on +61 2 9487 0122, watch our videos or join a school tour.
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