Positive Education and Knox Total Fitness

Knox Grammar School has been at the forefront of Positive Education for the past 12 years. Central to this is our bespoke Total Fitness Model, which aims to equip students with the skills and practices to thrive in life well beyond their school years.
In 2022, the Knox Science of Wellbeing Team reviewed and rigorously evaluated the Knox Total Fitness model to reflect the current research literature. This revised version has been named the Knox Total Fitness Action Model, with a strong focus on practical evidence-based interventions in positive psychology and wellbeing science, which underpin the wellbeing of our school community.
The Knox Total Fitness Action Model represents the holistic academic, social and emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of each individual in our school community.
The subcategories within each Knox Total Fitness pillar are informed by a rigorous review and meta-analysis conducted by the Science of Wellbeing team researchers, and drive the practical application of positive education and wellbeing science throughout our school community.
This Knox Total Fitness Action Model seeks to ensure our evidence-based approach to wellbeing and positive education is embedded and spread across interconnected school systems.
For more information about Knox Total Fitness, please visit Knox Science of Wellbeing here. Further information regarding our Knox Total Fitness Action Model research can be found here.
- Every student has an individual mentor who has received expert training in Wellbeing Science and Positive Psychology. The mentor helps students to identify their strengths and set academic and personal goals.
- All Knox staff receive gold standard training in key aspects of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Science, that is grounded in research evidence.
- Students are introduced to activities and exercises scientifically shown to increase levels of wellbeing and performance.
- Parent Seminars and articles are provided to parents on key aspects of Positive Psychology, Wellbeing Science and optimal parenting solutions/styles.
It can play a crucial preventative role in reducing depression, anxiety and stress within the school environment.
Knox is a founding member of Positive Education Schools Association (PESA). The association aims to work together with schools from across Australia, New Zealand and Asia that are considered to be key ‘pioneers’ in the implementation of Positive Psychology.
Visit Positive Education Schools Association